
Screenshot of the GlycoDomainViewer
Quick start
The GlycoDomainViewer is a tool to help you answer the question of whether a protein you are interested in is glycosylated, and what that could mean for the function of the protein. To start, Enter a UniProt ID, for example you can search for the UniProt ID Q14112
or, you can search using the corresponding gene name - in this case NID2 .
For more help, including a key for interpretation of symbols, consult the Help section below. This site has been tested to work on Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari, certain features may not work in other browsers.
To start using the tool, you can jump directly to the GlycoDomainViewer page for Plexin A2.
The GlycoDomainViewer brings to the community an integrative tool for glycoproteomics that enables global analysis of the interplay between protein sequences, glycosites, types of glycosylation, and local protein fold / domain and other PTM context. The GlycoDomainViewer integrates poly-Omics data sets and enables exploration and visualisation of individual glycosites on proteins from many organisms. We provide a visual representation of protein context around glycosites, automatically managing the amount of information that is drawn so that data remains comprehensible. The tool aggregates and presents data produced experimentally as well as retrieved from other databases, with a view to presenting the maximum amount of relevant protein and post-translational modification (PTM) information available to explore the possible effects of glycosylation on a protein. In order to focus upon protein context, only initiating monosaccharides are shown, with limited glycan elaboration (i.e. T structures).
The following key can be used to interpret the symbols used in the GlycoDomain Viewer. Symbol notation follows the Symbol Nomenclature for Glycans scheme. Predictions from NetOGlyc4.0 have been pre-calculated for all Human proteins, and are shown whenever data is available.
Steentoft, C. et al., 2013. Precision mapping of the human O-GalNAc glycoproteome through SimpleCell technology. The EMBO Journal, 32(10), pp.1478–1488 1
Included data
Data has been included from a wide variety of sources. Listed below are the papers that are currently being included in the GlycoDomainViewer.